Saturday, May 22, 2010

The iD of an Eligible Bachelor

ID 123

“ Hello”
“ Yes ..hello”
“ Sir I am calling regarding the profile of your son I came across in You n Me Matrimony ……”
“Oh yes ..its my elder sons…. Id 123”
“Sir we are interested. Its for my daughter .She is 24”
“Okay… and what is she doing ?”
“She is a graduate”.
“Only a graduate…..why ?”
“Well her ambition is to be a good housewife and mother and so….”
“Oh okay. but we are looking for a professional at least an MBA you see my son is a software engineer ….so we want the girl too to be a professional.”
“Oh alright. .Just thought you were looking for a wife for your son and not a business partner .My mistake ….sorry…. and good day”.

ID 456
“Hello ….is this 934325….”
“Yes ,it is may I help you ?’
“Madam, this is regarding your son’s profile in U n Me matrimony”
“Oh okay ….is your daughter’s profile in it too?”
“Yes her id is 001.”
“Is her photo too attached?’
“Yes maam the picture s are there.”
“Hmmm …let me just check …pls hold on.”
“Sure.” (pregnant silence ….only sound of my heartbeat is heard )
After 20 minutes
“Hello !I got it but ,,,she is not so fair”
“No… she is wheatish.”
“That’s the problem …we are looking for a fair girl.” .
“But maam your son too is not fair ..h es quite dark …….”
“That’s the problem ….we don’t want his children to be dark so if the girl is fair.. their children will not be so dark .”
(phone disconnected……by me ….tongue tied at her practical logic)

ID 789
“Hello sir, I am calling regarding your sons profile”
“Yes ….horoscope match is a must and most important.”
“Exactly …so we have gone ahead and matched it with my daughter’s .Its compatible and other things also seem good.”
“Have you checked it well ?”
“Yes of course ..there is a good’ papa samya.” ‘
“Thats not enough. Where is the Saturn standing it in Jupiter’s house or mercury’s?”
“Ummm.. I am not sure about that ..can I check and let you know? .Any thing else I need to check?”
“Yes ..check the position of Mars and sun . They should not be in their own house but should be looking at each other .The Venus should be in the seventh house and the sun in the ninth house .Please also check the position of the stars after ten years as in my sons horoscope there is a problematic period after 10 years and another at the age 58……”
“Okay sir,will get back to you .” I cut the call ….. head reeling under the strain of the information received and wondering when would all the stars be in place for his son to get married

ID 890

“Sir ,I am calling in connection to a proposal for your son .As per our conversation yesterday I had forwarded my daughters bio data and horoscope.”
“Yes yes …I remember …Id 001 right?”
“That’s right .We have found the horoscope to be matching and we are happy with the other details .So may I know your thoughts on it ?”
“Yes ..we too feel it’s a good match…but just want to know if tour daughter is proficient in singing or dance ..You see my son is a lover of music and dance and wants a wife who can dance and sing.”
(A vision of m daughter of in a bharatnatyam costume greeting her husband at the door in the evening flashed in my mind )
“Sorry sir. .all my daughter can do is hum a few lines . I believe you want a performing artist for your son and not a wife .so…… goodbye and all the best.”


  1. wonderful reading...this is exactly what happens to the millions of parents of the bride at least in India...its an eye opener for the prospective parents who can see it coming prepared!!!

  2. hilarious! wish i'd thought of it....!

  3. its awesome aunt!! :) ♥ed it!!
