Saturday, June 26, 2010

The professional Help

I waited anxiously ,my eyes on the road .This has to be finalized today .I had got the ultimatum from him when he(my L n M) had heard me grumbling. He had said ,”Why don’t you listen to me ?This house is too big for you .and you know how its going to be in the days to come .”It was then that I decided .I swallowed my pride and put in the ad .
Five of them had come and gone .But they were not happy .I guess my demands have been a bit unrealistic This time I was ready to lower my standards.I surveyed the room I stood in ..all my beautiful collections over the years ,My wooden ganeshas ,my brass lamps ,my blue pottery and my terracotta pots .They shone cause I cleaned them everyday but would the new person do the same for them ? Well beggars have no choice …….
And then there she was .I hadn’t heard her coming in as I was miles away musing .
Her appearance was pleasant .(hmmm …decent enough )I crossed my fingers and sent up a prayer (Lord may this be it )She toured round the house .I showed her every nook and cranny “Four bedrooms ?”she raised an eyebrow questioningly .I hummed and hawed apologetically , “ye..yes you see all four are not in use ,one is almost a storeroom .”(hope the answer satisfied her )
“How about the bathrooms ?’’
Running water all the time ..we have our own borewell”
“Okay ….any outside toilets ?”
“No …all built in”(thank God we have demolished the one outside )
“The tiles look a bit old, it wont be easy to clean ,you know”
“No, no they are mangalore tiles and only appears so .I use the best cleaner ad they clean very fast. one swab and the dirt is out” ( I should have had the carpet out )
She raised her eyes to the ceiling, “Hmmm ….plenty of cobwebs in the corners.” She made a profound observation.
“A swipe with a vacuum cleaner will rid of it ….I have one you know”I replied (resisting the temptation to bite my nails
“These curtains look heavy” Her eyed the heavy drapes and looked at me questioningly
‘Have you a washing machine or do you give it to the dhobi ?”
“I have a fully automatic for all washing and the curtains are also washed in that.” (I smile nervously )
She stood in the middle her eyes going over every detail .I stood, my heart in my mouth.
Well now it was my turn to speak .Taking a deep breath I put forward my demands.
(Deep silence) she cocked her head to one side calculating on her fingers and then she named her price .I gasped .My mouth fell open .Words failed me .As I stoop gasping she said , “Arre ..Madam ,I get four thousand for just sweeping and swabbing a house half the size of yours and you are telling me to clean all those dolls and pots of yours everyday So give me eight and I will think about it .I will need lunch too .
I blinked ….and still under shock blurted “Let me ask my husband …..”
“Okay you do that. Heres my mobile number .Call me when you have decided” Handing me a calling card she walked away without looking back

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Rema
    That was interesting, i mean the first one.Will read the rest and comment.Do well. All the best
