Saturday, April 3, 2010

Upon "Musing"

I have observed creative people especially writers and artists sit for hours together with dreamy unfocused eyes and then get up and leave with a sigh .Generally such people are not considered normal and their quirky behaviour is either shrugged off or is smiled upon ..You’ll know what I am talking about if you have one of those species at home.

It was only much later that I found out that the sighing ,the waiting and the dazed unfocused look was for the “Muse” These species often sported “the look” when they were in conversation with her .
Now …For those who don’t know who or what I am talking about …..The Muse is the goddess who presides over writers and pursuers of other creative activities.
Now the Muse is not someone who keeps her appointment with you. She is fickle and is often given to moods .Sometimes she will jump in and out of your thoughts and other times she’ll just rush in and remain there .That’s when you’ll frantically search for the pen ,paper , pencil , brush, a stick of lipstick anything you can get your hands on so that you can capture her and make her your own .
But these visits are sometimes made at the most inopportune moments like when you are hanging by the straps in a crowded bus, jammed between bodies, or when you are at a meeting with the big wigs ,then your skill as a contortionist may help you reach your pen and pad or you will have to do an Archimedes (you know ---the EUREKA man) which might leave you with the Muse and nothing else.
And sometimes she floats into your thoughts at about 2 am in the morning .You wake up with a shock .hold on to her ,willing her not to float away while you got your creative tools ready .Let me warn you ….This is not quite popular with the members of the family .The reason is obvious . You’ll have to face the wrath of a grumpy family the next day who might even deny you your breakfast, lunch and supper!
When the writer in me awoke from wherever it was snoozing I too began getting ready to woo the Muse .Loaded with pen ,paper , sharpened pencils and erasers I scouted the whole of my house for that perfect place where I could welcome the Muse and ,make her comfy This I located after scouting for three days ..It was a niche under the stairs .and there I sat day in day out, waiting for that wonderful feeling which will denote the arrival of my Muse.
She never came .My papers were covered with idle doodles .Well ….no big deal .I decided that writing was not my forte .anyway there was enough literature in this world to last a few centuries and yes I was contributing to saving trees (What an idea sirji !!!)
And then one day there she was!!As I stood with my hands up to my elbows in soapy water, soaking last nights dinner plates and glasses one by one from the stack next to me…….She floated in cool as a cucumber. dishes could wait but the muse wouldn’t .Not even bothering to wipe my hands I grabbed the first available paper my eyes fell on which was the backside of our Mahanagara palikes electricity bill for the month ..I captured her!!Lock stock and barrel.
Now we have a pact .She comes on to ,me the moment I sink my hands into the soapy sudsy water for washing my plates …but I am ready I have stacked papers and pencils on the shelf next to the sink .and .Towels to wipe my hand . Of late I have graduated to an old diary …way to go Miss Muse ….Way to go!!!


  1. someone's got back her GROOVE!! Really amazing reading after a long long time ........

  2. oooooooooooo...........nice nice :) i'm printing this for mom and dad....maybe they'll understand the importance of me taking absurdly long showers now......happy writing :) :) keep posting!I check twice a day :)
