The makeshift puppet tent at the fair was filled to the brim .She pushed her way towards one side of the curtain and flopped down on the nearest chair she saw .She felt rather than saw him taking the chair next to hers .She had been avoiding him for the past two days but to day he had attached himself to her and followed her .He tried to take her hand in his She let him. He deserved at least that .Moreover she didn’t want to make a scene.
He began , “so why did you run away ?You knew id come after you .”
“I was scared.”She whispered
“of what ? Me ?”
“No ..not you exactly …oh, I don’t know”
“We have discussed this before and now why the change in you ?”
“Its not you ..its your family ..i don’t think they like me”
“My family is my concern ,not yours .You have to think only of me”
“Hmmm ..even then, they need to approve …”
“I don’t care …I love you and I am ready to give them up for you and that’s my last word .”
“Believe me... ..i do believe you.”
“Then don’t stall …come away with me .Lets run away”
“Run away ?...where will we live? What will you do ?”
“Don’t worry .I will start a business” .
“Business ? you ? but where ? How?”
“Trust me …don’t you ?”
“Oh I do ..but don’t you think we need some planning ?”
“Okay …..Do you love me ?”
“I love you…. truly .”
“Enough to trust me ?”
“Yes …yes I do truly.”
“Then that’s all I need.”
“But we cant live on love alone.”
“What else do we need ?”
“Well ….let me see…,”she stammered searching for the right word.
There was a thunderous applause .The show had come to an end .The lights dimmed .People began streaming out laughing and talking at the same time .
She fell silent and so did he
Footsteps were heard coming nearer.Some one shone a torch to their faces and shouted, “They are here”A hand stretched out and picked her up and him along with her as .their hands were entwined If it was thought to be strange ,it was not commented upon .They were dropped into the box and the footsteps hurried away to collect the others
She fell on top of him .He hugged her close and she cuddled closer to him .The lid closed over them and they slept .Tonight was theirs .